Easy Homemade Peach Butter Recipe

Easy Homemade Peach Butter Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Wyse Guide via YouTube


Peach butter is one of the best things I discovered recently and it’s something that I will probably never get tired of eating. It’s so delicious and addicting and is the perfect spread to pair with any bread or use it as a dip for your favorite crackers instead.


RELATED: Easy 3-Ingredient Fresh Strawberry Butter Spread/ Dip Recipe

This recipe by Wyse Guide on YouTube is a must-try and the steps are very easy to follow you can surely perfect this even on your first try. This video tutorial comes with a guide to canning peach butter at home, too. Learn how now and give it a try!

Ingredients for Homemade Peach Butter:

  • 3 pounds of peaches
  • 1½ cups of white granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice

How to Make Peach Butter:

How to Make Peach Butter
Image credit: Wyse Guide via YouTube

Step 1

Wash the peaches well and remove the pits from the center, then slice them into½ inch pieces leaving the skin on, and add them to a heavy-bottomed stock pot or saucepan. Pour in the sugar and lemon juice, then give them a good stir to combine everything and dissolve the sugar with the juices.

Step 2

Place the pot or saucepan on the stove over medium heat, and slowly bring the mixture to a boil. Make sure to stir it consistently to ensure the sugar does not stick to the bottom and is thoroughly dissolved, and then keep stirring until rolling boil.

Step 3

Keep the mixture at a rolling boil for about 20 minutes and adjust the heat as needed, then skim off any foam that forms on top, and after 20 minutes remove the mixture from the heat. Pour it into a conical strainer placed over a container, then pour the peach butter back into the pot, and let it simmer to warm it through.

Step 4

Prepare the water bath, canning jars, lids, and rings, then pour the peach butter into the prepared jars, and allow the mixture to cool before storing it in the refrigerator or freezer. If canning, put the jars in the water bath for about 5 minutes, then remove, and cool for about 24 hours before removing the rings to check the integrity of the seal.

Easy Homemade Peach Butter Canning Recipe
Image credit: Wyse Guide via YouTube

Easy Homemade Peach Butter Recipe

*All image credit belongs to Wyse Guide via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more! 

Easy Homemade Peach Butter Recipe

Easy Homemade Peach Butter Recipe

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