Are too many flies roaming around your house, kitchen, or yard? Well, we’ve all been there and it’s quite stressful. But, not until I discovered this video tutorial by Ray Mack’s Kitchen and Grill on YouTube! There are a lot of tutorials online on how to make fly traps or baits but this one right here is the best in my opinion as this was the most effective I’ve tried so far. Throwing out the trapped flies is a challenging task as it was definitely gross but it’s worth it because my yard haven never been that clean and fly-free for some time now. If you want to try this at your home too, then proceed to read down below for the full and easy instructions, and watch the video tutorial as well.


  • Old pickle jar or an empty bottle
  • Brown sugar
  • 1 piece of hot dog, sliced into 1/8-¼ inch thick
  • Water


Step 1

Find an empty bottle or jar that you are not planning to use anymore, then drill small holes in the jar cap if you’re using a jar, but if you’re using a bottle, then drill holes around the shoulder, make sure that those holes are enough for a fly to get in but difficult to get out.

Easy Homemade Fly Trap Tutorial
Image credit: Ray Mack’s Kitchen and Grill via YouTube


Step 2

Slice the hot dogs into 1/8-¼ inch pieces, then fill the bottle or jar with water until half full, and add the brown sugar followed by the sliced hot dogs. Close the lid of the jar or bottle, then place the fly trap near the trash can outside or in a fly-infested area.

How To Make A Fly Trap
Image credit: Ray Mack’s Kitchen and Grill via YouTube


*Thanks to Ray Mack’s Kitchen and Grill via YouTube for all images used here. If you loved this idea, then you’ll surely love his other videos too, so give his channel a visit and subscribe!

Easy & Super Effective Homemade Fly Trap


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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