Easy $0.49 Homemade Dawn Powerwash Refill Recipe

Easy $0.49 Homemade Dawn Powerwash Refill Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Wandering Weekends via YouTube


Dawn Powerwash is a great cleaning agent mostly used for washing dishes, glasses, greasy tools, and any other items that need cleaning, it is a very effective solution I personally also love using at home. Once the powerwash runs out, automatically you would think that you’ll need to purchase another one, but what if I tell you that there is a better and more inexpensive refill that you can make for only about $0.49 and it produces the exact same stuff? Watch this video tutorial by Wandering Weekends on YouTube and learn the ingredients and steps now. I’m sure you’ll be amazed by the results, too, and you will only refill your Powerwash with this solution from now on. I hope you find this video tutorial as helpful as I did. Enjoy!



  • 13 ounces of water
  • 2 ounces of regular Dawn dish soap
  • 1 ounce of isopropyl alcohol
  • Stirrer
  • Measuring cups
  • Funnel
  • An empty Dawn power wash spray bottle, or any spray bottle


How to Make Homemade Dawn Powerwash Refill
Image credit: Wandering Weekends via YouTube


In a medium-sized measuring cup, add the dish soap and alcohol, then pour them into the larger measuring cup filled with water, and scrape off all the dish soap left in the cup. Next, grab a stirrer, then gently and slowly stir them all together until well combined and incorporated, make sure not to foam the mixture up. Now, grab the empty spray bottle, then place a funnel, and gently pour the mixture into the bottle, pour it slowly to prevent it from foaming up and overflowing. Test your refilled power wash solution and you’re done!

Easy DIY Homemade Dawn Powerwash Solution
Image credit: Wandering Weekends via YouTube

Easy $0.49 Homemade Dawn Powerwash Refill Recipe

*Thanks to Wandering Weekends via YouTube for all the images used here. If you love this DIY cleaning solution, then you’ll surely love his other video tutorials too, so give his channel a visit and subscribe now!

Easy $0.49 Homemade Dawn Powerwash Refill Recipe

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