4 Tips to Save Time & Money From Grocery Shopping

4 Tips to Save Time & Money From Grocery Shopping | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Pro Home Cooks via YouTube


Grocery shopping is quite a tough chore to do than you may know, planning what supplies to purchase while also managing a certain budget can be tricky. This is one of the main reasons why most people don’t cook at home and just order takeouts, but most of all, this is the leading cause of food waste.


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The next time you go to the market, make sure that you are more prepared and efficient by applying these tips and hacks by Pro Home Cooks on YouTube. Once you keep a more managed and disciplined routine, your spending will surely improve and you will lessen the amount of spoiled food in your kitchen.

4 Grocery Shopping Tips and Hacks:

  • Take Proper Inventory
  • Make a Proper Shopping List
  • Shop in Order
  • Don’t Shop for One Meal at a Time

How to Shop Groceries More Efficiently:

How to Shop Groceries More Efficiently
Image credit: Pro Home Cooks via YouTube

#1: Take Proper Inventory

Not taking proper inventory of what existing supplies you have is the number one cause of food waste. So, before you go to the market next time, make sure to take note of what you already have in the fridge and what other supplies you are low on. Stock up your pantry properly and make sure to use perishable items immediately to make room for fresh ones.

#2: Make a Proper Shopping List

After taking your inventory, make sure to keep a proper list of all the stuff that you have to buy so you don’t waste time going around in circles in the store. This will help you save time and energy because you can go straight to the aisle where you can find exactly what you need.

#3: Shop in Order

Shopping in a market can be very overwhelming because of all the different categories and aisles available. But, to be able to shop more efficiently, you have to go to each aisle in order instead of following your list. Make sure to go to the first aisle that you pass by and eventually, you’ll get to the far most of the market, this way you don’t have to keep coming back when you forget something.

#4: Don’t Shop for One Meal at a Time

After shopping around for fresh produce, the next section would be fresh meat and fish which can also lead to a shopping mistake if you’re not careful. Meat can be very expensive and the last thing you want to do is to use up all of your budget shopping. Think of all the dishes that you want to make for the week and plan the amount of meat that you need, for example, you can buy a whole chicken and divide them into different dishes.

Easy Pro Shopping Tips and Hacks
Image credit: Pro Home Cooks via YouTube

4 Tips To Save Time & Money From Grocery Shopping

*All these images are credited to Pro Home Cooks via YouTube. Give his channel a visit and subscribe for more! 

4 Tips to Save Time & Money From Grocery Shopping

4 Tips To Save Time & Money From Grocery Shopping

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