How to Clean Electric Coil Cooktops Like a Pro

How to Clean Electric Coil Cooktops Like a Pro | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Clean That Up via YouTube


If you smell something bad in your kitchen no matter how hard you clean and you just can’t point out where it’s coming from, it must be underneath your stovetop/cooktop. Over time, the top of your oven can get so dirty and the buildup can be harder to remove if you don’t clean it frequently.


RELATED: Here’s How to Clean Oven Buildup Like a Pro

Luckily, there are ways to still be able to clean and make your cooktop shine like new again with only a few simple supplies. Learn how by watching this video tutorial by Clean That Up on YouTube, this cleaning hack is super detailed, informative, straightforward, and helpful!

Materials for Cleaning Electric Coil Cooktops:

  • All-purpose over cleaner
  • Large plastic or garbage bag
  • Dawn powerwash
  • Scrub sponge
  • Microfiber cloth, 1 wet and 1 dry
  • Oven scraper

How to Clean Electric Coil Cooktops:

Easy Electric Coil Cooktops Cleaning Hack
Image credit: Clean That Up via YouTube

Step 1

Carefully disassemble the coil and drip pans, then make sure to choose the right cleaner, and to speed up the process spray the drip pans generously with the oven cleaner.

Step 2

Place the drip pans in a large plastic or garbage bag, then seal the bag to ensure that the cleaner won’t dry to continue to work and break down grease and grime as you clean the cooktop.


If you think the dirt is on a scale of about 1-5, then a simple Dawn powerwash will do, but if it’s at a scale of 5-10, then you might need something more heavy-duty, such as an oven cleaner.

Step 3

Now, lift the cooktop to see underneath, then spray your clean all over the surface, scrub it well with a scrub sponge, and rinse it clean with a wet towel.

Step 4

Use a clean and dry towel to dry, buff, and shine the surface, then scrape any black stuff stuck on the surface but make sure that it’s lubricated first, and then proceed to clean underneath the cover and the sides.

Step 5

Wipe the coil with a wet microfiber cloth to clean it, then wipe it dry with a clean and dry microfiber cloth, once done, scrub clean and rinse the drip pans. Assemble everything back onto the cooktop and you’re done!

Easy Electric Coil Cooktops Cleaning Tutorial
Image credit: Clean That Up via YouTube

How To Clean Electric Coil Cooktops Like A Pro

*All image credit belongs to Clean That Up via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more! 

How to Clean Electric Coil Cooktops Like a Pro

How To Clean Electric Coil Cooktops Like A Pro

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