How to Thaw Chicken in the Microwave

How to Thaw Chicken in the Microwave | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: MOMables - Laura Fuentes via YouTube


The best way to save time and money on groceries is to plan your meals ahead of time and then buy the ingredients at once or in bulk. The next thing you need to do is to store the other ingredients that you haven’t used yet in the fridge to preserve their freshness, but you can also do this for leftover ingredients.


RELATED: 3 Easy Methods To Thaw Chicken Safely

If you did this to chicken and need them the next day but they’re completely frozen, then do this defrosting method by MOMables – Laura Fuentes on YouTube, and you’ll have your chicken meat ready for cooking in no time! Watch the video tutorial below now to learn how.

Tips for Thawing Chicken Properly:

  • Remove the chicken from the wrapping or bag
  • Use a heat-proof or microwave-safe dish
  • Separate the pieces to thaw them out evenly

How to Thaw Chicken in the Microwave:

How to Thaw Chicken in the Microwave Properly
Image credit: MOMables – Laura Fuentes via YouTube


Remove the chicken meat from the wrapping or Ziploc bag and if it gets stuck, run the bag under cold water, and move it around a little until the meat separates. Transfer the meat to a microwave-safe dish, then place it in the microwave, and defrost your chicken.

If your microwave has a built-in defrost button, then make sure to use that because it will automatically decrease the power by 50%, and defrost your chicken without cooking it.

Remember to set the timer for defrosting depending on how much the chicken weighs, then pause every 2 minutes or so, and turn the meat around to check for progress.

As soon as you can separate the pieces, do it to thaw them out evenly, and then use your chicken to whichever recipe you want. Note: this method works well with meat without bones in it.

How to Defrost a Frozen Chicken Quickly
Image credit: MOMables – Laura Fuentes via YouTube

How To Thaw Chicken In The Microwave

*All image credit belongs to MOMables – Laura Fuentes via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!

How to Thaw Chicken in the Microwave

How To Thaw Chicken In The Microwave

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