If you can’t decide on what to serve for breakfast and your family doesn’t know what to suggest either, then why don’t try serving them this recipe by Eat Recipe on YouTube? You can make three different types of simple, easy, and quick cheesy egg sandwiches that they will all surely love. The ingredients are simple and easy to find, most of them might already be available in your kitchen, and you can also add whatever you like to this recipe.
- 1 chicken sausage
- 1 chicken slice
- 3 slices of bread
- 3 eggs
- 6 tbsp of milk
- Salt
- Butter
- 3 slices of cheese
- Tomato ketchup
Step 1
Slice 3 bread in half, then cut the chicken sausage in half lengthwise, and make a few slices all over the top of the sausage making sure not to cut all the way through. In a mixing bowl, add the eggs, milk, and salt, then beat them together until well combined, and set it aside. Place a pan over low heat, then melt some butter, and fry the ham and sausages until each side is nice and golden brown. Once done cooking, remove the ham and sausage, then melt some more butter, and add some of the egg mixture dividing it into three batches.
Step 2
Place 2 slices of bread beside each other, then soak them a bit before flipping them over, and then flip the whole egg piece carefully. Fold over the excess egg around the bread slices, then place a slice of cheese on one side of the bread and some tomato ketchup on the other side, and fold it over removing it once cooked. Repeat with 2 more bread slices, then place cheese on one side and ham on the other. For the last bread slices, add cheese on one side and sausage with a drizzle of tomato ketchup on the other, then serve all three of them, and enjoy!
*All image credit belongs to Eat Recipe via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!