Easy & Quick 5-Minute Carpet Stain Removing Hack

Easy & Quick 5-Minute Carpet Stain Removing Hack | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Clean Freak & Germaphobe via YouTube


If you have a carpet on your house, then you must know that no matter how hard you clean or maintain it, having a stain is pretty much inevitable, especially if you have kids running around your house all of the time. These stains can come from kool-aids, popsicles, or any colored food with liquid that could drip down the carpet, but these stains are not only caused by kids but also by adults, too! There are times that you may have accidentally knocked out a glass of wine or a glass of your other favorite drinks that can stain the carpet. But luckily, there is an effective solution that you can try, which I guarantee you work effectively in removing red stains. Learn it with this video tutorial by Clean Freak & Germaphobe on YouTube.



  • Red 1 specialty stain remover
  • Towel
  • A steam cleaner or iron with a steam option


Step 1

First, saturate the area by spraying a generous amount of cleaner on the stained area, then leave it, and allow the solution to sit for about 3 minutes while you’re preparing the towel and steam cleaner or iron with a steam option. Next, place the towel on top of the sprayed stain, then apply the steam on top of the towel, and allow it to heat up for about 5 seconds at a time according to the instructions on the bottle.

Easy Carpet Stain Removing Hack
Image credit: Clean Freak & Germaphobe via YouTube


Step 2

However, in this video tutorial, she used 15 seconds at a time. After steaming the area, pull the towel out, then give it a nice rub, and reapply the heat for about 5 more seconds until the stain is completely gone. If there is any yellowing in the carpet, simply rinse it clean, and you’re done!

How to Remove Carpet Stains Easily
Image credit: Clean Freak & Germaphobe via YouTube


*All image credit belongs to Clean Freak & Germaphobe via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!

Easy & Quick 5-Minute Carpet Stain Removing Hack

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