Before you go camping with your friends or family make sure to learn these tips and hacks by HGTV Handmade on YouTube first, and you might just find a few of them useful for your activity.

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These tips and hacks are very helpful and will surely change your camping experience for the better, making it more comfortable and fun! Watch the video tutorial now and learn a trick or two.

Clever Camping Tips and Hacks:

  • DIY Lamp Using a Milk Jug
  • Pool Float Mattress
  • Multi-purpose Plastic Tub
  • DIY Air Conditioner
  • Easy and Quick S’Mores Dip

Camping Tips & Hacks That You Should Know:

Easy Camping Tips and Hacks from Experts
Image credit: HGTV Handmade via YouTube

#1: DIY Lamp Using a Milk Jug

Grab a milk jug and a headlamp, then wrap the headlamp around the jug, and make sure that the light is facing toward the container itself. The light will penetrate through the jug and make the light spread wider and brighter.

#2: Pool Float Mattress

Instead of bringing a bunch of blankets, foam, or mattresses, you can save more space and lighten up your baggage by using a pool float instead. A pool float is way lighter and it offers the same softness and comfort that a usual mattress could.

#3: Multi-purpose Plastic Tub

Store as much as you can in one plastic tub so you don’t have to bring different bags and containers, plus, you can use the plastic tub as a table when you need to eat or prepare food.

#4: DIY Air Conditioner

Make 2 small holes on one side of a styrofoam cooler and a large one at the lid making sure it’s enough to fit a battery-operated fan. Then place the fan facing down inside the cooler, fill the cooler with ice, and turn the fan on.

#5: Easy and Quick S’Mores Dip

Grease a skillet with butter, then spread the chocolate chips over the bottom of the skillet in an even layer, and place a layer of marshmallows on top. Cover the skillet with aluminum foil, then cook it for about 30 minutes, and enjoy!

Pro Tips and Hacks for Camping
Image credit: HGTV Handmade via YouTube

5 Camping Tips & Hacks That You Should Know

*All these images are credited to HGTV Handmade via YouTube. Give their channel a visit and subscribe for more! 

5 Camping Tips & Hacks That You Should Know


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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