Baby oil has a lot of uses than you may know, and you’ll be surprised by how useful these tips and tricks by Smart Fox are on YouTube! There are a lot of ways that you can use baby oil, from polishing your walls to making your appliances shine, and making your bathroom smell fresh and delicious. Watch this video tutorial now to learn a trick or two!
- Baby oil
#1: Bathroom Tiles
Dab a few amounts of baby oil on a paper towel, then wipe your bathroom tiles until nicely covered, and you’ll have less water sticking to your tiles when you shower.
#2: Toilet Paper Roll
Add a few drops of baby oil to your toilet paper roll making sure not to add them to the toilet paper itself, then hang your toilet roll in the holder, and your toilet paper will smell good every time your tear some of the paper.
#3: Stainless Sink and Oven
Mix together some baking soda and white vinegar, then use it clean and rub your sink, and leave it for about 20 minutes before rinsing. Wipe the sink dry with a clean cloth, then dab some baby oil on a paper towel or cloth, and rub it all over the sink. You can do the same process with your oven, too.
#4: Plastic Parts of your Car
Rub the parts of your car that are made of plastic to make them look shiny again using a rag dabbed with some baby oil.
#5: Plaster
Pulling off the plaster on your skin can sometimes become tough and painful. You can easily loosen up the sticky band-aid by soaking it with baby oil for a short amount of time, then let it sit for a few minutes, and gently peel it off.
*These amazing images are all credited to Smart Fox via YouTube. Check his other content and follow for more!