Easy Autumn Sweet Stars With Jenny Doan

Easy Autumn Sweet Stars With Jenny Doan | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Missouri Star via YouTube


This easy autumn sweet stars quilt by Missouri Star is the perfect project this fall. It’s actually one of my favorite patterns because it’s easy to make and looks absolutely stunning. You only need 2 1/2″ strips to make the blocks! Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 1 roll of 2.5″ strips (fall colors)
  • 3 1/4 yards of background fabric
  • 4 1/2 yards of backing


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Step 1:

Get one 2.5″ strip and trim off the selvage. Cut four 4″ strips and four 6″ strips. For the leftover piece, cut a 2 1/2″ square. You need all of these for one block.

Step 2:

Cut a 4″ strip from your background fabric and cut it into 4″ background squares. You’ll need four for each block. Next, cut eight 2 1/2″ squares from your background fabric.

Step 3:

Make the block. Take the 2 1/2″ squares and fold them in the diagonal to make a crease. You can finger-press them, press them with an iron, or draw the line. Lay each into the end of the 6″ strips right sides together, then sew them on the diagonal. Trim the excess and press them open. Make sure that they all go in the same direction.

Step 4:

Do the same with your 4″ strips but they have to go in the opposite direction.

Easy Autumn Sweet Stars With Jenny Doan Tutorial
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 5:

Assemble the block. Take your 4″ background square and place the 4″ strip on the top so the color joins the background. Sew it with a 1/4″ seam allowance, and press it open. Next, place the 6″ strip to the side, with the color to the color to the background, just like in the photo below. Sew with a 1/4″ seam allowance and press it open. Repeat with the remaining strips and squares to make four of those.

Easy Autumn Sweet Stars With Jenny Doan Project
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 6:

Assemble the four blocks to make the star. Sew them together, then press it flat.

Step 7:

You need four stars across and five down. Between every star, put a 2 1/2″ sashing the same size as your block. After the first row, add the same size of sashing, then add 2 1/2″ squares in between each piece. Next, add the second row and repeat the process until you have five rows. The border measures 3 inch.


Easy Autumn Sweet Stars With Jenny Doan

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