Easy Air Fryer Italian Bread Recipe

Easy Air Fryer Italian Bread Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Simple Recipes Kitchen via YouTube


Have you ever wondered if you can bake bread in your air fryer? Yes, you can! Here’s Simple Recipes Kitchen‘s easy air fryer Italian bread recipe for you to try. It has a soft and fluffy texture that you will absolutely love. It is very simple to make and does not require any kneading, making it beginner-friendly. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to bake your favorite bread without an oven.


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To make this bread recipe, you need to proof the bread two times, which may take more time but is needed to achieve the texture that we are looking for. You will notice that the bread has a finer gluten structure once baked. It is definitely worth making, as it tastes just like the bakery version. Serve it with olive oil, cream cheese, jam, soup, stew, or pasta.

Want to make a cake using your air fryer? Here’s an easy recipe for you: Easy Air Fryer Blueberry Lemon Cake Recipe

Air Fried Italian Bread Ingredients

  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of active dry yeast
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt

How to Make Italian Bread in the Air Fryer

Step 1:

In a bowl, add the water and active dry yeast. Whisk well, then set aside.

Step 2:

In a large bowl, add the flour and salt. Mix well, then add the olive oil and dry yeast mixture. Mix using a spatula until it forms into a dough. Grease the sides of the bowl with olive oil then cover with cling wrap. Set it aside for an hour.

Air Fried Italian Bread Ingredients
Image by Simple Recipes Kitchen via YouTube

Step 3:

Flour your work surface and transfer the dough. Fold several times then form into a disk. Fold one time and roll towards the other side. Cut into half. Roll each half again. Cover them with cling wrap. Fold a sheet of parchment paper in the middle then place it in the basket to make a division. Place the dough just like in the photo below. Slice across then cover with cling wrap. Let it proof in the air fryer for 30 minutes. Do not turn on the air fryer.

How to Make Italian Bread in the Air Fryer
Image by Simple Recipes Kitchen via YouTube

Step 4:

After 30 minutes, remove the cling wrap, then air fry at 400F for 15 minutes.

Step 5:

After 15 minutes, remove the parchment paper and flip the bread. Air fry at 400F for 20 minutes. Once done, let the bread cool on a cooling rack. Slice and serve. Enjoy!


Easy Air Fryer Italian Bread Recipe

Air Fryer ITALIAN BREAD Recipe

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