You don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars to get your car seats clean, as you can do it yourself! Most of us already have these items at home, so you won’t even need to spend money on the materials. Here’s the easiest way to clean cloth car seats in just 15 minutes by Chris Notap. I promise it’s fast and simple. It will look good as new once you are done – no more stains and dirt. You can also try these in cushions or fabric chairs.



  • shop vac (preferably with attachment)
  • spray bottle
  • hot water
  • dish soap
  • clean rag


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Step 1:

Fill your spray bottle with hot water and some dish soap. Shake until well combined.

Step 2:

The first thing you need to do is take the end of the hose or attachment and clean it with a rag. If you use your shop vac for everything, it may have dirt and it will get on your seat.

Step 3:

Take your spray bottle and squirt it on the seat. Do about half a seat at a time to let the hot water soak in and soften up all the dirt.

Easiest Way to Clean Cloth Car Seats For Zero Dollars Tips
Image by Chris Notap via Youtube

Step 4:

Turn on your shop vac and vacuum all the water on the seat. After the first pass, you may still see some stains. All you need to do is repeat the process until the stain is removed. It may take three to five passes depending on how dirty your cloth car seat is. Once done, repeat on the other half.

Easiest Way to Clean Cloth Car Seats For Zero Dollars Hack (2)
Image by Chris Notap via Youtube

Step 5:

Once you are done cleaning the seats, they will be damped, so just leave your windows open and let them dry.


Did you like this simple technique? If so, make sure you check Chris Notap’s Youtube channel. He has a lot of video tutorials that you will find useful. 

Easiest Way to Clean Cloth Car Seats in Just 15 Minutes


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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