You can create cheap yet stunning decor for your home with these easy craft projects! These lovely dollar tree DIY farmhouse decor ideas are from Unicorn Dust Designs on Youtube. Most of the items are from the dollar tree and thrift stores. Do you know you can find a lot of amazing gems in the thrift store that you can use for your projects? You can also go around your house or neighborhood and look for objects that you can use. Be resourceful and creative with the items that you have! You can turn old pieces into beautiful ones by upcycling them, just like what she did in this tutorial. I love how fun and easy it is to recreate these. Watch the video below for the full instructions.


1. Beautiful wall art with crates


  • wood sign from dollar tree
  • 2 small crate boxes from dollar tree
  • white paint
  • anti-wax
  • 2 painter sticks
  • any preferred word sign
  • antique stickers from the dollar tree
  • mod podge


This wood sign is from the dollar tree with a printed bunny sticker. Just remove the hanger and the image using your hands. It comes off easily. You will only need the backing of it. Then paint it white with just one coat making it look like an old wood fence. Using a ruler and pencil, create a line for each plank of wood, then grab a piece of paper towel that is a little bit wet. Distress the lines using a wet paper towel. Next, get the 2 small crates and paint anti-wax on both of them. Once dry, distress them for an antique look. Next, get the two painter sticks and cut them to the same size as the side of the sign. Use anti-wax to paint them and distress them again with the white paint. If you have a word sign, use it and color it light green. Also, give your stickers a distressed look. Once done, glue the sticks to the top and bottom of the fence. And for the two crates, attach it just above the bottom stick. Then finally, glue the word sign and stickers.

Dollar Tree DIY Farmhouse Home Decor Wall Art
Image by: Unicorn Dust Designs



2. Farmhouse coaster with stand


  • wood block scrap
  • black spray paint
  • white paint
  • brush
  • sandpaper
  • printed photo
  • mod podge
  • braid teaser game beads for the stand


Paint the wood block scrap with the black spray paint. Once dry, brush some of the white paint. After it dried, distress it using the sandpaper for a more rustic look. Next, get your printed photo. Cut the design and stick it on the top of the wood block. Then get the beads and glue them on the bottom, and distress it again a little bit.


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3. Small ladder with plant pots


  • wood pieces
  • white paint
  • small pots
  • fake plants
  • printed images
  • anti-wax
  • hot glue


Create a ladder from the wood pieces from the dollar tree. Once done, paint it white. Do the same with the small pots. Glue the painted images on the pots and put a setting coat on top. Distress the images and ladder using anti-wax. Next, attach the small pots on the ladder and the fake plants.

Dollar Tree DIY Farmhouse Home Decor
Image by: Unicorn Dust Designs



4. Farmhouse table decor


  • wood candle holders
  • black paint
  • white paint
  • big metal bottle cap from dollar tree
  • sandpaper
  • printed image


Spray paint the wooden candles and the metal bottle cap with black paint and let them dry. Then coat with seal. Next, brush them with white paint. Distress them both using sandpaper. Then glue the image on the middle of the bottle cap and seal it. Now it’s time to glue the bottle cap on top of the wooden candle.


Dollar Tree DIY Farmhouse Home Decor


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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