DIY Sticker Labels With Packing Tape Tutorial

DIY Sticker Labels With Packing Tape Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image Credit: Hometalk via YouTube


Printed sticker labels are pretty expensive but they do look aesthetic to use on your jars or storage. Now, you don’t have to worry about how much sticker labels would cost you because this tutorial by Hometalk on YouTube will teach a DIY hack that only requires packing tape and ordinary printed texts. You can be creative and make other designs once you learned the basics.



  • Printed label, ordinary
  • Packing Tape
  • Coin, key, or any small metal object
  • Credit card or any hard card
  • Bowl of water


Step 1

Choose a font and design that you want, then print it out on regular paper, preferably a thick font style. Cut out the words then take a regular clear packing tape and place it on top of the words, use any small coin or key, and place it underneath one side of the tape so that it’s easier to remove. Take a credit card or any hard card and press it hard while rubbing it onto the tape.

How To Make A DIY Sticker Label Using Packing Tape
Image Credit: Hometalk via YouTube


Step 2

Next, the most important step is to peel it off your table or flat surface then cut off the excess tape on the sides. Now, submerge it into a bowl of water, then let the label sit in the water for 1 minute to loosen the paper. Once the label is saturated, start rubbing off all the paper on the back until what’s left is just the text itself. Let the label dry completely and it will return to its stickiness. Attach the label to your jar or storage.

Easy DIY Packing Tape Tutorial
Image Credit: Hometalk via YouTube


*Thanks to Hometalk via YouTube for all images used here. If you loved this DIY hack, then you’ll surely love their other video tutorials too, so give their channel a visit and subscribe!

DIY Sticker Labels With Packing Tape Tutorial

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