When I saw this soda bottle sprinkler DIY idea by The Man With The Hat, on YouTube, I had to try it! This is a great idea and can be used to water your yard or to cool off on a hot summer’s day. You could even hold this in your hand and use it to water some plants that require a gentle sprinkle rather than an aggressive spray. This sprinkler idea can be a great idea if you are going out of town, and are getting a friend or neighbor to water the garden bed to keep it moist. Using this could make someone’s work a lot easier because you don’t have to stand there holding the hose sprayer because the bottle has multiple outlet holes and works well laying on the ground on a low water pressure.
Materials For The 5-Minute Soda Bottle Sprinkler:
- An ice pick
- A lighter
- A hose join
- A garden hose
In this soda bottle sprinkler DIY idea by The Man With The Hat, on YouTube, you will learn how to make this lawn sprinkler in a few easy steps.
Then you will poke holes in the bottle and attach the hose join.