Watch How She Cleverly Makes Room/Linen Freshener With Downey Unstoppables (Cheap)

Watch How She Cleverly Makes Room/Linen Freshener With Downey Unstoppables (Cheap) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Her House Always Smells Fantastic And People Don’t Know Why. This is her secret!

Rather than spend money uselessly on air freshener, here’s how you can make your own. You can make lots of it a lot cheaper too!


Here’s what she does!

  1. Buy some Downey Unstoppables Scent Booster and an empty spray bottle.
  2. Put some Downey beads in the empty spray bottle and add some luke warm water.
  3. Shake it up and let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes and spray away and, unlike Febreze, the smell will last a lot longer and have your house smelling fabulous!

If you’ve got an active family, you know that keeping your home smelling fresh isn’t always easy. Febreze is your best friend when it comes to deodorizing furniture, sports equipment, and pet odors. Unfortunately, if your family goes through the Febreze like mine does, you know it can add up and get quite expensive after a while.

Living in a stinky house is not an option, but luckily there is an alternative to racking up expensive Febreze bills. With only a few simple household ingredients, you can easily make your own odor-neutralizing home-freshening spray. Unlike other DIY freshening sprays, this spray is unique in that it doesn’t contain any fabric softener. Fabric softeners are good odor neutralizers, but they can leave a residue on your fabrics and can irritate sensitive skin types. So check out this simple recipe and start freshening up your home now!

Watch how Vegas Vixen does this in her step by step tutorial for a fresh smelling home!


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