Watch How She Gives Her Old Sweaters An Awesome New Purpose, Without Even Sewing!

Watch How She Gives Her Old Sweaters An Awesome New Purpose, Without Even Sewing! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Most of us have old sweaters that we don’t wear anymore, yet hang onto. Well…this is good! Now here’s a brilliant idea for recycling those old sweaters and giving them a whole new life and warm purpose!


Before I decided on this project, I was cleaning out my closet getting ready to drop off some clothing at Salvation Army next week. As I was going through all of my old fall and winter apparel, I came across a stack of old sweaters. One caught my eye in particular. I had bought for my husband during the holiday’s last year and shortly after it ended up in the dryer and most of us know what happens when we do this! I had saved it because I thought I would try a sweater repurpose one day. I decided there was no time like the present and jumped in and started making a hat for my granddaughter. Then I loved it so much that I decided to make these for other family members!

I have a huge stash of old sweaters, just wanting to be used, and that good wool felt makes fantastic mittens, scarves and hats. IdunnGoddess shows you how to make them. If you don’t already have a stash of felted up sweaters 100% wool felts work best, but any sweater that’s at least 80% wool or so will work perfectly well. Chances are you have a few hanging around that haven’t been worn in years. You know the ones. They lurk in our closets as shriveled testaments to distracted laundry days…days we forgot to pull the sweaters out of the wash, before tossing everything in the dryer. Or maybe, they’ve been victims of a those pesky moths and we have great intentions of mending those holes and know we probably never will. Dig those babies out and get busy making some fabulous winter mittens, hat and scarf the way this gal in her tutorial did!

Watch how IdunnGoddess makes these in her step by step tutorial so you can get busy making you and your family some warm winter wear!


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