I recently fulfilled my biggest dream, to move into my own place. I scrimped and saved to get here and I made the dream a reality, but now that I’m here I realized I had to turn that page and get onto a new dream, which was doing decorating on a tight budget. No one wants blank walls, so I scoured the internet for great DIY ideas to make my new little place the palace I knew it could be. I love silver regal-looking fixtures and those can be a little pricey, but when I found this opulent DIY Wall Art Mirror tutorial on Youtube, made from a placemat of all things and it was everything I wanted for my DIY home decor idea. When I started, I already had most of the required materials but I did have to go to Michael’s Craft Store and buy a small square mirror for the project, and a cheap placemat from Walmart. With my Michael’s Coupon, the mirror was only $4.00. I started by getting my materials together.
- Square Mirror
- sliver vinyl placemat
- 2 packs of tower blocks
- Mod Podge
- Gorilla Glue
- Glue Sticks
- Glue Gun
- Silver Acrylic Paint
- Silver Glitter
- Bling Wrap
- Sawtooth Hook
First, cut your placemat to fit on your mirror.
Then spray your placemat with adhesive and glitter the entire front surface of your placemat.
Then glue you little blocks on the back around the edges of your mirror.
Then paint your little wood block edging silver and glue your bling wrap down onto it.
Then glue your glittery placemat onto the mirror using spray adhesive.
This mirror is so awesome! I hope you love it as much as I do.