DIY Pathway With Drainage

DIY Pathway With Drainage | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by NextJeneration via Youtube


Say goodbye to a muddy pit and hello to a new DIY pathway with drainage. With the help of NextJeneration, you can achieve this beautiful walkway without the help of a professional. Don’t worry – it’s not that hard to build! With the right tools, your work can be done easily and quickly. Watch the video below for full instructions.




  • flat head shovel
  • tamper
  • leveling rake
  • sod cutter
  • weed barrier
  • metal edging
  • #8 limestone (on-top, surrounding pavers)
  • #57 limestone (on-bottom layer, for drainage)
  • mason sand
  • 24″ x 24″ pavers
  • string/stakes
  • smaller tamper
  • rope


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Step 1:

Layout the pathway. Cut out cardboard the size of the pavers and place it on your space to see how it will look. Adjust spacing based on your preference and take down the measurements. For this project, the pathway is 42″ by 21′ and 5″ deep. The size of the pavers is 24″. The distance on each side is 9″, while the distance between each one is 6″.

Step 2:

Mark the perimeter with rope. Use a sod cutter to remove 2″ of the sod, roll them and place them on a bag. Next, using a sod cutter, cut the dirt about 2 1/2″ deep, then use a shovel to remove them.

Step 3:

Lay the weed barrier, then put 2 inches of gravel for the drainage. Spread it around using a leveling rake.

DIY Pathway With Drainage Tutorial
Image by NextJeneration via Youtube

Step 4:

Spray the gravel with the hose, then tamp it away until it’s compact.

Step 5:

Add the edging using a hammer.

Step 6:

Add the sand, level it, wet it using a hose, and then tamp it well.

Step 7:

Lay the pavers one by one. Measure out 6″ between each one. Use a rope to get a nice straight line as a reference. To get an idea if your paver is leveled with your driveway, lay a 2×4 across the pavers and attach the rope to it. Make some adjustments if needed.

DIY Pathway With Drainage Project
Image by NextJeneration via Youtube

Step 8:

Add the smaller grade of limestones and spread it evenly. Use a smaller tamper to compact the gravel. Now it’s done.


DIY Pathway With Drainage

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