Is your desktop computer or laptop your BFF, maybe both are? Perhaps you are more of a computer newbie and wish you were not, would love some tips. Whether tech and all things computer are your “thing” or not, we think everyone needs to see these awesome computer tips and DIY ideas we’ve been collecting. From desktop organizing and productivity ideas to computer desk decor to awesome little ideas made from computer parts, you are sure to find some cool new DIY ideas here. If you need gift ideas for that special computer person, a few of these ideas should be perfect. We are working on some of the more basic organizing ideas for our home office, and are super pleased with the results. Check out the easy to follow tutorials for these cool DIY computer ideas.
1. DIY Computer Monitor Stand
2. Bread Bag Tags
3. Declutter Your Computer
4. Organize Your Computer Desktop
5. Use a Split Screen to Increase Productivity in the Classroom
6. DIY Macbook Keyboard Skin with Silhouette Cameo
7. Custom Computer For Under $800
8. Easy DIY Computer Stand
9. Clean up your Computer Desktop
10. Cheap and Easy to Make Steampunk Keyboard
11. Email Organization
12. Get Your Old Home Videos Onto The Computer
13. Build Your Own DIY Computer Gaming Desk
14. Reuse Old Computer Parts
15. DIY Colorful Computer Keyboard
16. Build A Computer From Scratch
17. DIY Old Computer Cat Houses
18. Repurposed Computer Parts
19. Organize Digital Photos The Simple Way
20. Gain 95GB of Space
21. Effectively Declutter Your Computer
22. Computer Keyboard Photo Frame
23. Key Man Key Chain
24. Computer Filing System
25. Install Fonts On Your Computer
26. Clean a Computer that’s Infected with Virus or Malware
27. Organize Pictures On Your Computer
28. Rescue the Webcam From a Laptop
29. Build An Ergonomic Computer Desk