For Those Of You Who Don’t Know How To Tie A Necktie She Shows Us How!

For Those Of You Who Don’t Know How To Tie A Necktie She Shows Us How! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I don’t know about you, but I never learned how to tie a mens necktie! I figured there were other people out there who didn’t know either, so I thought I’d post this video so we could learn! There must be more of us than I know who didn’t know how to do this because this tutorial got almost 5.5M views!


There have been times when I wanted to wear a necktie for a costume party and I had to get a man to tie it for me…after I finally tracked him down! I hate having to rely on someone else to do something that I should have already learned how to do!

According to Christine Kobzeff, this is a tutorial for a Half Windsor. I saw another tutorial and the guy tied a Full Windsor, which looked even a little more difficult than the way she ties this necktie in her tutorial.

She makes it look pretty simple when she does this, but I’m sure that I’m gonna need to practice this, in order to remember how!

Many young men heading out on their own for the first time have never tied a tie themselves. If that’s you, I’d recommend the Half-Windsor as the first necktie knot you learn. While the four-in-hand is the easiest knot to tie, the Half-Windsor looks more symmetrical and formal, while being less bulky than the Full Windsor. It’s a very versatile knot, appropriate for all occasions, and goes well with nearly every collar type, except narrow collars.

Once you’ve mastered the Half-Windsor, branch out and learn how to tie other necktie knots, and the bowtie as well.

Watch how Christine tiest his necktie in her step by step tutorial so you can be informed about how to tie a necktie too!


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