She Shows You How To Fold T-shirts In A Way That Increases Drawer Space!

She Shows You How To Fold T-shirts In A Way That Increases Drawer Space! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Let me just start off this post by saying that I am NOT a naturally organized person. You know those women whose homes seem to always be in order, even when you stop by unannounced? Well, everything looks great on the surface, in my home, but whatever you do, don’t open any drawers!


If you’re anything like me, you have way too many t-shirts and not enough space. I made the decision that I was going to finally I started rolling my t-shirts up when I put them in my drawers, just so I can see what I have! That actually did make a big difference, but when I saw there was a possibility to have even more space I was all ears!

When I saw this tutorial I was immediately on board. Did you see how many t-shirts Alejandra got into the drawer in this tutorial?

Alejandra Costello is a Certified Professional Organizer who shows individuals how to become more organized and productive on a daily basis by setting up systems that work for their own organizing style. Alejandra started her company, in 2008 at the age of 23 and to date has shared her organizing expertise with thousands of people in over 100 countries around the world.

With the t-shirt folder that she uses, she gets so many more shirts in her drawer than I do by rolling mine up (which you can order on for as little as $4.76).  You may be saying that I need to get rid of some of my t-shirts, and I have, but there are just some t-shirts that I am not willing to part with at this time, so meanwhile, this works for me!

Watch how Alejandra with gives you this fabulous idea on how to give you more space in her step by step tutorial.



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