DIY Homemade Vitamin C Serum for Glowing Skin

DIY Homemade Vitamin C Serum for Glowing Skin | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Aroma Talks via Youtube


Skincare, especially serums, can be pretty expensive, which is why this homemade vitamin C serum from Aroma Talks on Youtube is such a lifesaver for someone like me who’s thrifty. This serum is working wonders on my face and is very effective. Now, I don’t have to buy those skincare products that cost way too much. Learn how to make this by watching the video below.



  • orange peel
  • 2 tbsp of rose water
  • 1/2 tbsp glycerine
  • three vitamin E capsules
  • aloe vera gel


Step 1

Peel one orange and let it dry in the sun. Once the peel completely dries out, transfer it to a bowl, then add 2 tbsp rose water, 1/2 tbsp glycerine, and three vitamin E capsules. Mix well, then cover it and let it sit for about six hours at room temperature.

Drying out the orange peel for the DIY vitamin C serum
Image credits: Aroma Talks via Youtube


Step 2

After six hours, blend it, then strain. Add some aloe vera gel to a separate mixing bowl, then add the orange peel mixture. Mix it well until the aloe vera gel completely dissolves. Transfer it to your serum bottle and store it at room temperature. Shelf life is five to six months.

Combing the orange mixture and the aloe vera gel
Image credits: Aroma Talks via Youtube

DIY Homemade Vitamin C Serum for Glowing Skin

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