I think I have now seen at least a thousand DIY gift ideas in a jar. Not all mason jar gift ideas are created equal, as you may well know. We put together this list of our top gift ideas in a jar so you could be sure to have the best list for last minute birthday, christmas and hostess gift ideas. These cute DIY gifts make cool presents for women, men, kids and teens, teachers and moms, too. Fun and popular bar ideas with mini alcohol samplers, drink and cookie mixes, spa and pampering gifts and more. There are lots of mason jar gifts tutorials to choose from, but these are some of the cutest and best ever. Start your holiday gift planning early and stock up with some of these awesome project supplies and a few jars, you will be finished with your Christmas gift giving lists in no time! Fun and easy diys that are simple to make, but ones people love to receive.
Best Mason Jar Gift Ideas
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1. Everything Gifts In a Jar
I think this may be one of the best homemade christmas gift ideas pinterest has to offer this year. I needed some quick and easy gift ideas for my mom, my sister-in-law and two cousins, and I did not have a whole lot of money or time to make anything fancy. Was I ever thrilled when I came across this creative and thoughtful gift that every single once of them has thanked me for more than once. I did a different mason jar assortment for each one, based on what I knew about them. So fun, with everyone admiring each other’s gifts, too! I am definitely doing this again for Christmas, as I need easy and cheap homemade gift ideas for some neighbors and the girls at the office.
2. DIY Gift Card Snow Globe in a Jar
Even though gift cards are the easiest gift in the world to give, and many people request them as their gift of choice, I always have a problem just handing one over in the little tiny sleeve they come in. (or worse yet, paper and plastic packing!) Being all about presentation, I was determined to find some super creative ways to give gift cards this holiday season. When I saw this snowglobe in a mason jar, I knew I had found the winner. Much easier than it looks to make, adults and children alike will enjoy both the fun packaging as well as the gift card inside. Banish boring gift card holders and make this cute DIY idea for gift cards instead. Even gift cards can still be presented as unique homemade Christmas gift ideas. Check out the easy step by step tutorial to learn how.
Gifts in A Jar
3. Home Made Laundry Soap Neighbor Gift in a Jar
Homemade laundry soap is cheap and I’ve been making it a couple years now, for less than $1 a gallon! I gave these to my favorite neighbors for Christmas last year, and they are back by popular demand. I’m writing the recipe on the back this time so my neighbors can make it all year round like I do.
4. Tea Lovers Mason Jar Christmas Gift DIY
I lived in England for 10 years and I learned so much about their culture. Nothing says welcome to the UK like a nice hot cup of tea, there is even a tea lady who goes around the hospital with a cart making all the sick patients nice cups of tea to aid them on their road to recovery. I always said the British would prescribe a cup of tea for a shark bite. We would have these lovely afternoon teas in the Suffolk countryside with crumpets and jam while watching butterflies settling in the evening Sun. So as much as I love DIY gift ideas in mason jars, I thought it would be excellent to bring this treasured cultural experience to my friends this holiday season. I got tiny sizes of Earl Grey and English breakfast teas, tea infuser, honey dipper, tea bag squeezer, vanilla sugar, honey, and shortbread cookies. I stuffed and decorated the jars. Everyone was not totally convinced until they tried it, with milk of course.
5. Mini Golf Date in a Jar Gift
This super little idea is called the date jar, and what a way to drop a hint on where you’d like to go with your new honey. I met someone and he took me to the movies. We had a good time and he said I could pick our next venue, so instead of just telling him like anyone else, I gave him a date jar, that included everything we needed on our date. He was so hysterical and said I possessed something none of the other girls had. A sense of humor! For the miniature golf date in a jar, I put M&Ms (every great date must include chocolate), golf balls (I couldn’t find any brightly colored ones so I used white), a mini notebook for keeping score, a pencil, some fake “grass” and 2 mini golf clubs. This jar could also include tickets to play mini golf, a gift card to a restaurant and a trophy for the winner!
Looking for cool DIY gift ideas for your friends and family, too?
Be sure to check out The Ultimate DIY Christmas Gifts list which includes:
DIY Gift Ideas for Men
Cool DIY Gift Ideas Mom and Dad Will Love
41 Cute DIY Gifts to Make For Kids
31 Awesome DIY Gift Ideas for Her
27 Expensive Looking Inexpensive DIY Gifts
27 MORE Expensive Looking Cheap DIY Gifts
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6. Christmas in a Jar
The first time I ever tasted mulled wine was in England at the BBC studio for a live taping of the Little and Large Show. I was with my amazing British friends who came to visit me in America last month. They had such a laugh when I told them I did not know what mulled wine was, so I really wanted them to know how much it meant to me to be introduced to such a cultural delicacy. My British friends also did not know what American mason jars were so what an excellent opportunity I had to give them a mason jar to take home and my own personal mulled wine ingredients to relive our fun evening. They were so appreciative and I hope to go and visit them soon. They told me we will be having mulled wine whether its Christmas or not, what a couple of characters. 😉 When it comes to the best mason jar Christmas gifts, this adorable jar DIY idea is one of my favorite things to make.
7. Mini Bar in a Jar Gift
The miniature mini bar is a well-received, well-liked gift for anyone, especially a groomsman or bachelorette party gift. I got all my miniature airplane size liquor bottles at Specs and my jar at Michael’s craft store. This is truely a gift that is appreciated as it is, no fuss, no frills. A cute mason jar Christmas gift idea for guys, or an inexpensive wedding gift idea for the groomsmen, this mini bar in a jar is super popular with both men and women.
8. DIY Beginner Sewing Kit Gift in a Jar
It’s that time when your kids and their friends go off to college. I was so worried about some of my daughter’s friends, not having any sewing knowledge and my daughter said, Mom, we all can use Youtube. I laughed but reminded her they still needed supplies. So I turned to my old friend the trusty mason jar to make a darling sewing kit for these precious girls. The kits included straight pins, a seam ripper, scissors, a tape measure, trim, twine, and buttons. I made a little pincushion for the top, but the sky is the limit on how you want to put this DIY mason jar project together. I can’t wait for feedback when they come home for Thanksgiving. If you need cute sewing gift ideas for all your friends who sew, try making this pretty homemade present for Christmas.
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9. Loves to Craft Mason Jar Gift
I am a devout DIY crafter so the craft jar gift idea is perhaps the easiest thing I can put together in a pinch because I always have extra materials. I keep plenty of little bead jars in stock at home so I can pull from my own supply. I add a few paint pens or Copic markers and decorate the lid, and I have the perfect gift for co-workers, teachers or children. This gift doesn’t get lost on anyone, its a slam dunk in appreciation status. A cute stocking stuffer idea, this is a fun mason jar Christmas gift, but can be given all year round. Try making this as a homemade birthday present for all the artists and crafters in your life. This is fun for kids or teens to make, too, one of my top picks for teen crafts or inexpensive gifts to give to a boy or girl teenager.
10. Ginger Bread Play Doh Gift
I had to make Christmas gifts for 25 preschoolers, so I immediately thought of Playdough. My kids love playdough and if you’re curious about gingerbread play-dough, it is just like any other version. The only difference is it’s a beautiful brown color and has a rich enticing aroma, just like real gingerbread. It looks almost like the real thing, minus the delicious taste. You won’t have to worry about your kids eating this dough. Although it smells good, it tastes every bit as yucky as every day play-dough. I put it in decorative containers, plastic works nicely for the smaller children. Every child was thrilled with their playdough gift and I still have more I’m bringing to Toys For Tots this year.