Put a Glass of Water, Salt and Vinegar In A Room…Wait 24 Hours You’ll Be Amazed What Happens!

Put a Glass of Water, Salt and Vinegar In A Room…Wait 24 Hours You’ll Be Amazed What Happens! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

If you’re wanting to get rid of bad energy in your home, you must try this trick! Here’s how to detect and remove negative energy with three simple ingredients.

Here’s What You Do:
Get a completely transparent glass without drawings, color or cut. Also, keep in mind you cannot reuse it again.
Cover 1/3 of the container with sea salt
Fill 2/3 of the container with white vinegar or apple cider organic.
Cover the remaining with pure water
Do not move the glass, once you put it where you want it in the room. Wait 24 hrs and look to see what color the water is. If it’s still clear, then the energy in the room should be good. If it has changed colors, then repeat the same thing, with clean water, adding the vinegar and salt, until the water is clear, after 24 hrs. When it is clear, this will be a sign that the negative energy is out of the room. Then you can do this in any other rooms of your house until it is free from negative energy.
Watch How To’s step by step tutorial to see how this is done, so you can remove any negative energy that is lingering in your home.


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