She Shows Us How to Stop Wasting Money & Here’s How!

She Shows Us How to Stop Wasting Money & Here’s How! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I love getting tips on how to save money. I always stop to read anything that talks about this, just like I did when I saw this video. She’s got some really great ideas that I wasn’t aware of.  Some of these tips I already knew about, but I definitely learned a few things by watching this.


I especially wanted to see the part about the bananas because I notoriously buy too many and can’t eat them fast enough before they start going bad. I never dreamed that you could put saran wrap around the top to keep them fresh longer. This has been a struggle for me because the bananas always look so good in the grocery store and inevitably I buy more when I see how delicious they look.  I’m usually hungry when I’m grocery shopping so that’s a big factor! I’ll never learn!

She tells us that at least 25% of our food and beverages go to waste and that is approx. $1300-$2300 a year!  I wasn’t aware that fruits give off gases and that nifty little device she puts in her fruit bin helps with that. It’s always nice to have fruit last longer! I’ll have to google where to get those things. I hadn’t heard of them before I saw this. I’m sure I have fruit going bad at the same time I’m writing about this!  I do like my tomatoes at room temperature, so I was glad to hear that it’s ok to leave them out! Plus, I’ve always stored potatoes and onions in my veggie bin in the refrigerator and she says they need to be stored in a cool dry place. Guess I’ll be doing that from now on too!

Listen to what she has to say in this video and I hope you learn some things like I did!  Tell your friends on Facebook about this so they can save some money too!


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