Learn How to Turn Dryer Vents Into Pumpkin Decor for Fall

Learn How to Turn Dryer Vents Into Pumpkin Decor for Fall | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

What? I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw what she made these darling pumpkins out of! I would have never dreamed of doing this. Gosh, we’ve got some incredibly brilliant people out there. I’m so impressed!


If you’re looking for a clever way to display pumpkins without the mess or hassle of carving them, gather up some leftover dryer vent hose and make these easy and adorable ones.

I couldn’t believe it.  Who knew you could make a pumpkin out of a dryer vent?  This project literally took 5 minutes to put together (not counting spray paint drying time).

If you happen to have a leftover piece of dryer vent hose, this is the perfect way to recycle it. But even if you don’t have dryer vent hose laying around, it’s worth spending a few bucks at a hardware store; these pumpkins are just too cute!

For those of you who maybe haven’t see this industrial pumpkin before, here is what you need: Dryer vent, orange spray paint (or some people do these in copper, gold and/or off white), a stem (I used cinnamon sticks, but you can use sticks or whatever you want), and a little bit of raffia. I cut and glued the vent into a donut using hot glue. Then I spray painted the whole thing, making sure to get in all the grooves. Attach the cinnamon sticks and raffia, you have yourself the cutest little pumpkin! And, the good news is you can bring these out every year!

Watch how Socraftastic does this in their step by step tutorial and this is one you’re gonna have to share with your Facebook friends!

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