Bring out your unused glass jar and the plastic lids from your storage cabinets and turn them into this beautiful candle holder. You can use this as a decoration for your tables or bookshelves at home. It’s a wonderful project by Recycling Ideas DIY on Youtube – a good way to repurpose the containers you no longer use at home. Watch the video below for the full instructions.
- glass jar
- jute rope
- scissors
- acrylic paint
- sponge brush
- plastic lids ( flat lid, thicker lid, and a crown-shaped lid)
- LED candle
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Step 1:
Wrap the jute rope around the rim of the jar and cut.
Step 2:
Grab the end of the jute rope and place it onto the top edge of the jar. Hold it in place using one hand. Then using your other hand, pull the rope towards the center bottom. Mark and release it. Fold the jute on the mark to double the length and cut. Cut more strings with that length.
Step 3:
Get the short jute string and one of the long strings. Fold the long string in half and insert the folded end on the bottom of the short jute string. Insert the free ends of the long string onto the folded end to make a knot. Do the same for the remaining strings.
Step 4:
Tie the strings on the rim of the jar. Take one string from every two knots and make a knot. Repeat the process until you reach the bottom of the jar.
Step 5:
Paint the bottom and lid of the jar and the plastic lids using white acrylic paint and a sponge brush. Let them dry completely.
Step 6:
Glue the end of the strings on the bottom of the glass. Braid 3 strings of jute.
Step 7:
Glue the 2 plastic lids, one flat and one thick, on the bottom of the jar. Glue the braided strings around the middle of the two.
Step 8:
Place the lid of the jar and glue the crown-shaped lid on top. Glue the ends of the braided jute on opposite sides to look like a handle.
Step 9:
Place the LED candle inside and you are done.