He Shows Us 8 Terrific Sick Remedies That Actually Work And Why!

He Shows Us 8 Terrific Sick Remedies That Actually Work And Why! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is the season when we start catching colds and the flu. Here are a few helpful tips to get you through your illness quicker. asapSCIENCE shows us these tips and also explains why these things work and the ingredients that are in them to help shorten our illness.


With everyone going back to school sickness is inevitable. As much as I would love to be one of those people that haven’t been sick in five years I still get sick about twice a year.

Here are the 8 remedies that can bring you some relief:

  • Chicken soup (Of course we’ve all hear of this, but I never knew why it helped!)
  • Nutrient rich foods to give your body the energy to heal itself
  • Eat apples (he explains what they contain and why they help)
  • Vitamin C (rich foods or pills shorten the length of colds)
  • Honey helps reduce coughing and lack of sleep from a respiratory infection
  • Garlic helps reduce the severity of the flu and colds by reducing the length of time you are sick
  • Echinacea decreases the odds of catching a cold by 58% and reduces the length of the cold by approx. 1-1/2 days
  • A small amount of alcohol can actually help boost your immune system

And, if all else fails water, rest and time are surefire contributors to recovery.

Make sure to listen to why this list of remedies help shorten or eliminate colds and flu in this step by step tutorial. I hope you get to feeling better soon!


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