Diner-Style Hash Browns Recipe

Diner-Style Hash Browns Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Crouton Crackerjacks via Youtube


Do you love eating at diners? Then, you will love these diner-style hash browns from Crouton Crackerjacks on Youtube! This recipe only needs three ingredients to make – super quick and easy. What’s more, it’s super crispy and tastes just like the ones you get at a diner! Learn the full recipe today by watching the video below.



For one serving:

  • 1 russet potato
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tbsp butter (or margarine)


Step 1

First, peel your potato, then grate it in a bowl of water. (This will prevent your potato from oxidizing.) Once you’re done grating, put the shredded potato into a colander and run it under cool water until the water runs clear. After this, dry your shredded potato by wringing it, then sprinkle them over a clean towel or paper towel. Now, fold the towel up, press it down, and get as much water out of this as possible, then fluff them up. Let them air dry for about five to ten minutes.

Shredding the potato to make diner-style hash browns
Image credits: Crouton Crackerjacks via Youtube


Step 2

Next, heat up your skillet between medium and medium-high heat, then add 2 tbsp vegetable oil as well as 1/2 tbsp butter. Once the butter melts, start adding your hash browns into your pan by sprinkling a nice and even layer of it. Gently press it down into the pan, take a lid, and cover it. Cook it for exactly five minutes. (Do not lift the lid during these 5 minutes.) After five minutes, remove the lid, and season liberally with some seasoned pepper, then flip. Cook it for an additional two to three on the other side.

Frying the diner-style hash browns
Image credits: Crouton Crackerjacks via Youtube

Diner-Style Hash Browns Recipe

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