Delectable Mountains Quilt Tutorial

Delectable Mountains Quilt Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Sew Yeah via Youtube


This pattern looks way too difficult, right? But trust me – it’s not! I was so shocked when I learned how easy this delectable mountains quilt was. Thanks to Sew Yeah for this awesome tutorial. You can watch the video below for full instructions.




  • 1 layer cake or 24 pieces of 10″ x 10″ background squares (fabric A)
  • 1 layer cake or 24 pieces of 10″ x 10″ print squares (fabric B)


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Step 1:

Create half-square triangles from your fabric A and B squares. Place one fabric A square on top of a fabric B square, right sides together, then draw a diagonal line from corner to corner. Sew a 1/4″ away from each side of the marked line.

Step 2:

Cut on the drawn line to make two half-square triangles. Square your half-square triangles. For each block, you will need four half-square triangles. For the whole quilt, you need 12 blocks.

Step 3:

Get two half-square triangles and place them together, lining up the center seam. be sure that the same color fabrics are touching. Cut 4 pieces of 2 3/8″ strips. Repeat with the other two.

Delectable Mountains Quilt Tutorial Block
Image by Sew Yeah via Youtube

Step 4:

Arrange the strips based on the photo below. The top and bottom should mirror each other.

Delectable Mountains Quilt Tutorial Project
Image by Sew Yeah via Youtube

Step 5:

Sew your strips together in groups of two with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. After that, sew them into groups of four. Open and press it flat. Sew the top and bottom together with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. Make sure to pay attention to the points in the middle. You can use pins or clips to make sure they are aligned. Sew your final seam with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. Remember that your points should line up.

Step 6:

Arrange 3 blocks together to create a horizontal row. Sew with 1/4″ seam allowance. Make sure to line up the points in the intersections. Sew four horizontal rows together. Quilt and bind.


Delectable Mountains Quilt Tutorial

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