Keeping the house uncluttered by minimal cleaning is a mindset that will address your entire house, it is really a secret trick that will help you manage your house more smoothly and efficiently. This video tutorial by Clean My Space, on YouTube, goes through every aspect of what makes you want to clutter your home. We all like to live in abundance, so we surround ourselves with a bunch of stuff. To realize that we have what we need, we just really need to take a good hard look at what that is. If you have only used something once or you may have two meatloaf pans, you have to think to yourself, am I really going to make two meatloaves? You get the picture, those types of questions need to be answered with every space in your home that is cluttered.
Tip One:
Buy less, if you want to ease into minimalism without much effort of course by your food, but just lay off of those extra items like nick-nacks, and beauty products. You must also be very aware that the marketeers are already standing at the ready to provide you with an array of stackable unite to make you feel like your being minimalist, but you are really making life junkier.
Tip Two:
Sometimes we can get caught up in minimalism to the point that we lose sight of it. We need to just stop and think of why we decided to go minimalist in the first place, to get a revitalized perspective. Minimalism is a wide spectrum of things, a mindset to live a more simple way of life. I am into maximalism and would rather have my house looking like Elvis’ Graceland, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Declutter With These 5 Minimalist Habits