These cute fall fabric pumpkins by Stacey Lee Creative are very easy to make! It’s the perfect gift for your friends or you can use them as decorations. Don’t know how to sew? Don’t worry! You only need basic sewing skills for this project. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.


  • fabric
  • thread
  • polyester fiber fill
  • cinnamon stick, wooden dowel, or stick


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Step 1:

Get 6 rectangles of the same size in different patterns for your pumpkin. You can choose 2 matching fabrics for each print. Stack them on top of each other and cut them with the same shape as below. You can also print a pattern the same as this shape, cut, and pin into your stack. This will make the cutting process much easier.

Cute Fall Fabric Pumpkins to Sew Tutorial
Image by Stacey Lee Creative via YouTube

Step 2:

Take the first two, place them right sides together, and line up the edges. Place a pin and sew on one side with a quarter-inch seam allowance. Open it up and sew the next piece. Repeat with all the pieces. Once they are all sewn, take the two ends and place them right sides together. Sew them together to make a cylinder shape.

Step 3:

Cut a long piece of thread and fold it in half. Find the two ends and pop them through the eye of a long needle.

Step 4:

Put your needle through about a quarter of an inch in or more on a seam. Just a few threads and bring it out, then thread it through that loop. It will give a very secure knot. Next, weave my needle up and down doing a basting stitch around the whole bottom at about a quarter of an inch. Make sure the ends go through the eye of the needle, hold on to that, and give it a thug to gather it all in. Do a couple of knots to secure it.

Cute Fall Fabric Pumpkins to Sew Project
Image by Stacey Lee Creative via YouTube

Step 5:

Find the opening and pull it right side out.

Step 6:

Fill it up with fiber fill. Push it towards the side.

Step 7:

Cut a thread and repeat just what you did early on on the top. Push it down and secure it by doing a couple of knots. Take your needle, pop it through the center, and push it out through the bottom. Grab the needle and pop it back through the bottom, then back through the top. Pull it again to make tension and do a few knots again. Trim the thread.

Step 8:

Grab a cinnamon stick, cut it in half, and pop it in the center.



Cute Fall Fabric Pumpkins


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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