If you often eat inside your car, especially with the kids, you probably have experienced staining your seats with sauces or juices. I know how frustrating it can be, as it will leave a mark and will not be good to look at. But don’t worry, Chris Notap on Youtube is here to help. Here is the easiest way to clean cloth car seats for zero dollars. You’ll surely find this tip helpful and will remove all the stress from not knowing what to do with the stains.
- shop vac
- shop vac cleaning kit attachment (preferred)
- spray bottle
- hot water
- regular dish soap
- clean rag
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Step 1:
Heat some water but make sure it’s not boiling. You can also use hot tap water. Fill 1/4 of the spray bottle, then add a little regular dish soap. Shake until the soap mixes with the water.
Step 2:
Using a clean rag, wipe the dirt from the end of your shop vac and from the attachment. If you use your shop vac for everything, it may have dirt and will get on your seat.
Step 3:
Take your hot soapy mixture and spray it on half of the dirty seat. Let it soak in and soften up all the dirt.
Step 4:
Turn on your shop vac and place the attachment. It is preferable to use an attachment, as it will make your work easier and faster. Now, suck up all the water off the seat. After the first pass, you may still have some stains. All you need to do is spray the mixture and suck it again. Keep doing it until the stain is completely removed.
Step 5:
Repeat the steps for the other half of the seat.
Step 6:
When you are done, the seat will be damped. Just leave your windows open and let the sun dry them.