She Measures And Draws A Circle On Fabric And Makes An Easy Item Any Age Can Wear!

She Measures And Draws A Circle On Fabric And Makes An Easy Item Any Age Can Wear! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This simple tutorial got over 1M views and there seems to have been a come back in the 50’s styles. This particular fashion item has become popular in a big way! And, I can’t think of anything cooler to wear in the summer!


Circle skirts are fun to wear no matter what age you are! They twirl, they look adorable, and….they’re easy to make! Trust her—She’ll show you all the tricks. She does some simple math to create this pattern and then sews it together with a simple elastic waistband.

These skirts are great for everyday wear, holidays, and they’re perfect for costumes too!

I’ve always been in love with designing and making feminine skirts and dresses, I’m sure it is every girl’s dream to make wedding dresses for a living. I’m no exception to that rule.

There is something about the feeling behind the feminine clothing, almost like we are visiting and joining in on those past popular fashions or maybe we just want to feel like a woman sometimes!  So naturally I had to make this skirt. This easy and classic circle skirt.

Watch how MADE Everyday makes these cool skirts in her step by step tutorial. They are easy peasy!

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