You Won’t Believe What She Makes With This Ice Cube Tray (Watch!)

You Won’t Believe What She Makes With This Ice Cube Tray (Watch!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is so brilliant that I had to do this right after I saw the tutorial! You probably will too! These are the best summer treats for cooling off, after being out in the heat!


I think the majority of us love these. Although, I know some people are allergic to them and that’s a bummer, especially when you see what this gal does after she puts these strawberries into ice cube trays!

This is so brilliant that I had to do this right after I saw the tutorial! You probably will too!

I like to bake…as long as sugar is involved! Or maybe, I really like to eat whatever it is that I bake! Regardless, I got in this baking mood a few days ago and really wanted something chocolate-y to eat…..but unfortunately, I had dinner plans creeping up and didn’t have a lot of time. So, I got creative! I used this random spare ice cube tray as the base and am quite astonished at how amazing these turned out! Who doesn’t love chocolate covered strawberries?

I just wait for the time of year that Lambs Candies comes out with chocolate covered strawberries. It’s got to be one of my very favorite treats! Now I can do them myself and this is a great way to do them, don’t you agree?

The ice cube holes break the bar into little individual squares, kind of like a real candy bar, only the pieces are much bigger. These don’t last long in my house. We actually fight over who gets the last one!

Watch how Millenial Moms makes these in her step by step tutorial and enjoy!

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