Easy and Delicious Canned Garlic Recipe

Easy and Delicious Canned Garlic Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Melissa Mir via Youtube


Love eating garlic? Try this easy and delicious canned garlic by Melissa Mir! Adding this to your dishes will give them a boost of flavor and make them even more tastier. It’s an easy recipe that you can make at home and store for one year.



  • 4.4 lb of garlic
  • 1 hot pepper
  • a bunch of mint
  • a bunch of parsley
  • bay leaf
  • whole black pepper
  • paprika
  • coarse salt (1 teaspoon for each jar)
  • 70% vinegar (1 teaspoon for each jar)
  • boiling water


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Step 1:

Peel all the garlic and place in a bowl.

Step 2:

Chop the mint and hot pepper into small pieces then place on a food processor. Blend until finely chopped.

Step 3:

Get a sterilized jar, and make sure that it’s cleaned. Add 1 bay leaf and a few whole black peppers, then fill it with garlic cloves. Be sure to add a little bit of space on top so it will not overflow. Repeat with the other jars.

Step 4:

Add a tablespoon of the chopped mint and hot pepper. Next, add a tablespoon of paprika. You can adjust the amount based on your preference. Repeat for all of the jars.

Step 5:

Add a teaspoon of coarse salt to each jar.

Easy and Delicious Canned Garlic Recipe Ingredients
Image by Melissa Mir via Youtube

Step 6:

Fill each one with boiling water up until the neck of the jar. After that, add a teaspoon of vinegar to each jar. Shake each jar a little bit to mix the ingredients.

Easy and Delicious Canned Garlic Recipe Instructions
Image by Melissa Mir via Youtube

Step 7:

Cover each one with the lid. Do not close yet.

Step 8:

Get a big pot with hot water, then put a piece of cloth or a towel on the bottom, so that later the glass won’t burst. Place each jar inside the pot.

Step 9:

Place the pot over heat and let it boil for about 15 minutes. Once done, remove each one from the pot, pat them dry, and close the lid tightly. This can be stored in a cool place for a year.


Easy and Delicious Canned Garlic Recipe

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