Boardwalk Quilt by Jenny Doan

Boardwalk Quilt by Jenny Doan | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Missouri Star Quilt Company


If you are looking for a beginner-friendly sewing project, make this boardwalk quilt by Jenny Doan. It might look difficult but this is only made from 2 column patterns. These have several rectangular pieces of different sizes and are arranged to make different blocks. It’s fun and very colorful! Read on for the step-by-step instructions.



  • 1 pack of 10″ print squares
  • 1 1/2 yards of matching print fabric (includes outer border)
  • 1/4 yard of each 3 different coordinating solid fabrics
  • 1 roll of 1 1/2″ background strips (includes sashing and inner border)
  • 3/4 yard for binding
  • 5 3/4 yards for backing


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Step 1:

Get one piece of 10″ square. Cut them in half and set one aside. From the other half, rotate it and cut it in half. Set one square aside. From the other half, cut 3″ and 2″ pieces. Do the same for the remaining layer cakes.

Step 2:

Take the three coordinating accent fabrics and cut them into 1 1/2″ by 5″ strips.

For easier arrangement:

  • a – 5″ strip
  • b – 5″ square
  • c – 3″ strip
  • d – 2″ strip
  • e – 1 1/2″ by 5″ strip (coordinating fabric)
Boardwalk Quilt by Jenny Doan Pattern
Image by: Missouri Star Quilt Company


Refer to this image for steps 3 and 4.


Step 3:

Block A. Grab 1 piece of c, 1 piece of d, 2 pieces of e in different colors, and 1 piece of a. Align them based on this arrangement and sew them together with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Press them on the top and bottom. Make 18 pieces of block A.

Block B. Grab 1 piece of b, 1 piece of d, and 1 piece of e. Align them based on this arrangement and sew them together with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Press them on the top and bottom. Make 18 pieces of block B.

Block C. Grab 1 piece of e, 1 piece of c, 1 piece of d, and 2 pieces of e in different colors. Align them based on this arrangement and sew them together with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Press them on the top and bottom. Make 6 pieces of block C.

Block D. Grab 1 piece of a. You’ll need 6 of this.

For column 1, arrange the blocks in this order starting from the top to bottom:  A, B,  C, A, B, A, B, and D. Sew them together. Make 6 pieces of column 1 in different patterns and colors.

Step 4:

Block E. Grab 1 piece of e, 1 piece of b, 1 piece of c, 1 piece of d, 1 piece of a, 1 piece of e, 1 piece of d, and 1 piece of c. Sew them together. Press the block. Make 15 pieces of block E.

Block F. Grab 1 piece of e, 1 piece of b, 1 piece of c, 1 piece of d, and 2 pieces of e in different colors. Sew them together. Press the block using an iron. You need 5 pieces of block F.

For column 2, arrange the blocks in this order from the top to bottom: E, E, E, F. The smallest strip will always be on the top. Sew them together. Make 5 pieces of column 2.

Step 5:

For the sashing take 2 strips. Cut off the selvage edge for both. Open them up and sew the 2 strips together. Make 14 pieces of this.

Step 6:

Get 1 piece of the sashing strip and 1 piece of column 1. Sew them right sides together. Cut the excess on the strip and press them open. Next, sew 1 sashing strip on the other side then 1 piece of column 2. Repeat and continue for the remaining columns. For the remaining 2 pieces of stashing, sew them on the top and bottom.

Boardwalk Quilt by Jenny Doan Tutorial
Image by: Missouri Star Quilt Company



Boardwalk Quilt by Jenny Doan

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