Onion is one of the most important ingredients in cooking, just like garlic. It enhances different flavors, adding depth and complexity to your dishes. That’s why it’s a must when cooking.

Last December, we had a family gathering, and everyone was tasked to cook a certain dish. My cousin was preparing a dish that required a ton of onions, so he chopped up a few, and after a few minutes, all of us were tearing up. The onions were so strong that even though the room was well-ventilated, our eyes were still irritated. So, I did some research and looked for the best way to cut onions without crying, and found this tip by Camy Arriol. We tried it, and it definitely worked!

RELATED: Easy Onion and Beef Pasta Recipe

If you tend to cry when cutting onions, follow the instructions below. This technique will keep the chemicals from releasing while you cut them into pieces. Here’s another tip you might want to try: The Best Way to Peel and Seed a Tomato

How to Cut Onions Without Crying

Step 1:

Slice straight down through the middle of the onion vertically not horizontally.

Step 2:

Set aside the other half. Place the onion face down on your cutting board. Cut the top off, the opposite end of the root. Peel the outside skin.

Step 3:

Make cuts straight down vertically getting as close to the roots as possible without actually slicing through.

If you need finely diced onion, you can rotate the onion and make cuts at an angle.

How to Chop Onions Without Crying
Image by Camy Arriola via YouTube

Step 4:

Pinch the layers with your fingers tucked under to keep them intact while cutting. Run your knife over the onions until you are close to the roots.

If you want a finer dice, you can always run your knife back over.

How to Prevent Tears When Chopping Onions
Image by Camy Arriola via YouTube


Best Way to Cut Onions Without Crying


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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