Best Way to Clean a Toaster Oven

Best Way to Clean a Toaster Oven | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by GoCleanCo via YouTube


When was the last time you cleaned your oven toaster? If you can not remember, now might be the perfect time to do it! If you use it often, there’s a big chance that the food has built up and grease is everywhere, even on the outside. It might be hard to clean it when you are not using the proper products, and doing so can damage your appliance.  You don’t want that to happen, right? But do not worry, as GoCleanCo is here to teach you the best way to clean a toaster oven.


RELATED: Here’s How to Clean Oven Buildup Like a Pro

The secret to long-lasting appliances is proper maintenance. If you have been using your oven toaster for quite a while and never cleaned it even once, it may not return to its original look, but trust me; it will be 80 times better than how it looks now. I’ve tried this at home on my old toaster oven, which looks even worse than the photo above, and it surprisingly did the job. This technique is very simple to do and will even remove the hard grease and stuck burnt food. Try it at home – it might work for you.

Things You Need to Clean a Toaster Oven

  • dishwasher pods
  • Dawn power wash
  • SOS pad
  • Mr Clean Freak
  • Weiman stainless steel spray


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How to Clean a Toaster Oven

Step 1:

Start by removing the racks, tray, and metal pan from your toaster oven. Place them on the sink filled with hot water, then drop them in three dishwasher pods. Let them soak.

Things You Need to Clean a Toaster Oven (1)
Image by GoCleanCo via YouTube

Step 2:

Time to clean the toaster oven. Coat the whole inside with Dawn power wash including the door. Let it sit for a few minutes so the grime

Step 3:

Start scrubbing it with the pad then wipe it clean.

How to Clean a Toaster Oven
Image by GoCleanCo via YouTube

Step 4:

If there is still some grime left, repeat steps 2 and 3, but this time use Mr Clean Freak. Make sure to include the outside. Wipe it well with a warm damped cloth to rinse all the product.

Step 5:

After a few minutes, scrub the racks, metal pan, and tray using the SOS pad until you remove all the build-up grease and food. Rinse then dry. Place them back in the toaster oven. If the build-up food is still hard, let it sit overnight.

Step 6:

Coat the outside of the oven with Weiman stainless steel spray to make it shiny again.



Best Way to Clean a Toaster Oven

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