Best Roasted Cauliflower Recipe

Best Roasted Cauliflower Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Probably Worth Sharing via Youtube


Are you thinking of how to cook your cauliflower? Try roasting it whole with this recipe from Probably Worth Sharing on YouTube! Whole roasted cauliflower is a great way to use your cauliflower that will probably go to food waste. It’s soft and delicious, and you only need three ingredients!


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This recipe is one of my go-to appetizers, especially if I’m hosting a big group. Although it takes time, it’s totally worth it as it tastes so delicious. Watch the video below to learn the step by step instructions, or continue reading down for the full written recipe.


  • 1 whole cauliflower
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 tbsp salt, for boiling (plus more for drizzling)


Step 1

To start, boil enough water to cover the whole head of cauliflower. While waiting, cut the base of the cauliflower parallel to the top so it will sit flat. Next, add 3 tbsp of salt to the boiling water, then drop the cauliflower, stems side up (if it floats, put a ceramic plate on top to keep it under water). Boil it for ten to fifteen minutes. Once done boiling, lift the cauliflower out using a spider strainer and transfer it to your wire rack. Leave it for 30 minutes to cool it completely.

Boiling the whole head of cauliflower
Image credits: Probably Worth Sharing via Youtube


Step 2

Once cooled completely, transfer the cauliflower to a baking sheet and coat it with 1 tbsp olive oil using a basting brush, then sprinkle some salt. Place the cauliflower in the oven at 450 degrees F and bake for 24 to 45 minutes or until it turns a deep golden, charcoal-y appearance. After baking, cool it down slightly, then drizzle down the remaining 2 tbsp olive oil. Serve and enjoy!

Roasting the whole head of cauliflower
Image credits: Probably Worth Sharing via Youtube

Best Roasted Cauliflower Recipe

Best Roasted Cauliflower Recipe

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