My husband made this amazing Beer Bottle Cap Table over the weekend and it turned out so awesome. He had been saving bottle caps for quite some time and I knew he had some kind of grand plan in mind for them, but I didn’t know what exactly. He started by constructing the small round table that he sourced the table from a well-known DIY furniture company and used the bottle caps he had been saving. He used kitchen work surface counter edging to edge the table and GlassCast epoxy resin as a topcoat. So over the weekend he set about putting my project into action and by Monday morning the table was done and ready to use. He just assembled the table and glued the work surface counter around the small round table.
Then he glued all the beer caps on the tabletop.
Then he poured epoxy on it and let cure for 24 hours, that was it! I couldn’t believe this elegant DIY table was so easy to make!
When we had our next game party, we set it on the patio as an individual coffee table for the big cozy armchair everyone fights over, I call it the king chair, lol. So now the king chair had its own individual coffee table. You would not believe the mayhem that went on over who got to sit there. Every time people would get up for a minute to go fetch a beer someone would come behind them and nab the king chair! We started realizing real quick that we were in great need of some more DIY beer cap furniture. We have big plans for a larger coffee table, new end tables and maybe even a built-in beer cap bar! This is a great project and a wonderful conversation piece.
DIY Beer Bottle Cap Table