Apple Upside Down Cake Recipe

Apple Upside Down Cake Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Shobana's Kitchen Swiss Via Youtube


This apple upside down cake is absolutely delicious and it is super easy to make. By following these 3 simple steps, you can make your own apple upside down cake in minutes. I highly recommend this recipe and after you make one too, you will see why.


Last week, it was my moms birthday and I wanted to make a special cake for her, My entire life she had always made a cake for me on my birthday, and since I recently overheard her talking about how much she loves apple flavored desserts, I thought this apple upside down cake would be perfect for her. I went to the grocery store that morning and gathered my ingredients, and when I got home I began making the cake. It hardly required any effort or skill to make, and within an hour, I had made myself a warm apple cake. Later that day, I delivered the cake to my mom and she begged me for the recipe which I was happy to share with her.


  • 250g flour
  • 10g baking powder
  • 250g sugar
  • 125g melted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • milk
  • vanilla
  • apples
  • cinnamon
  • brown sugar
  • melted butter

Step 1:

Start by making the base of the cake by first covering the bottom of the pan with brown sugar, cinnamon, and melted butter. Then, place the apple slices on top, covering the bottom of the pan completely.

DIY Apple Upside Down Cake Recipe

Step 2:

Next, make the batter by combining the flour, baking powder, eggs, sugar, melted butter, milk and vanilla all together. After mixed throughly, pour the batter into the pan, on top of the apples.

Easy Apple Upside Down Cake Recipe

Step 3:

Put in the oven at 180°F for 40 minutes, or until it passes the toothpick test, flip it over and serve.

How to Make Apple Upside Down Cake

I recommend this recipe highly as my mom and I both really loved it. Check out the Youtube video below for a full how-to on this apple upside down cake.

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