With everyone having a lot of free time on their hands, boredom and cabin fever can start to set in. So I went searching on Youtube for some interesting crafts to share with my friends and family. I found this excellent video of eleven craft ideas where all the crafts are made of mostly cardboard and aluminum foil. The entire video of eleven crafts is packed full of fun, very inexpensive crafts involving just ordinary old cardboard and aluminum foil. There was one wall hanging Mid Century looking craft in particular that I wanted to make. The Wall Art Craft had geometric shapes all put together and painted a very modern-looking mat black color and it had the silver foil in the middle of the circles and squares. The back had just a simple string of old Christmas lights coiled around in a big circle and taped to the back. The coiled Christmas lights also acted a the hanger for the project. The whole thing might even sound downright silly, but if you saw this fabulous Mid Century Wall Art Lamp Project, you would be amazed how flashy and high dollar it looks. On top of that is is just super fun to make.
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Black Craft Paint
- An Old String Of Christmas Lights
- Aluminum Foil (Reynolds Wrap)
First, in the video, you will learn to cut out the geometric shapes out of cardboard and paint.
Then you will add the silver tin foil and make a wreath like ring of old Christmas lights that you tape to the back.
This is such a cool looking project, I just love it.