Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs

Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Casual Cooking via YouTube


Breakfast will never be complete without eggs. There are so many recipes you can make with this simple ingredient. One of my favorites is an egg salad sandwich. It is just delicious, creamy, and easy to prepare. That’s why I have boiled eggs all the time. I prepare them every morning by boiling water in a pot, adding the eggs, and cooking to my desired doneness. It is how I usually cook them, but then I stumbled across Casual Cooking‘s air fryer hard-boiled eggs video, and I was so surprised that it was even possible.


RELATED: How to Make a Fried Egg in an Air Fryer

I was so skeptical when I first saw this on YouTube. I use my air fryer to cook a lot of my meals, but I never imagined making hard-boiled eggs using this appliance. So, I tried it and was amazed at how good the eggs turned out. I never thought of this method before. Now, it will be easier to cook hard-boiled eggs. I no longer have to boil water every morning for my breakfast meal. I also love how it ensures that they won’t get overcooked. Give this a try. It’s super easy and works like magic.


How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs in the Air Fryer

Step 1:

Start by preheating your air fryer to 270F.

How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs in the Air Fryer
Image by Casual Cooking via YouTube

Step 2:

Once it’s preheated, remove the basket and add the eggs.

Hard Boiled Eggs in the Air Fryer
Image by Casual Cooking via YouTube

Step 3:

Place the basket back to the air fryer and cook at 270F for about 15 minutes or until desired doneness if your eggs are refrigerated.

If your eggs are at room temperature, only set the time to 12 minutes at 270F.

Step 4:

After cooking, using mittens remove them from the basket, then place in a bowl of cold water with ice for about 2 minutes to stop the cooking process.

Peel and it’s ready to eat.




Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs

Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs (1)

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