Adding A Hanging Sleeve To Wall Quilts Or Any Quilt

Adding A Hanging Sleeve To Wall Quilts Or Any Quilt | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting via Youtube


Quilts aren’t always used – some are for display, and some are at quilt shows. So if you want to display your quilt and not use it, this tutorial from Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting on Youtube will teach you how to apply a hanging sleeve to your project. It’s a fast and easy method and doesn’t require you to be a pro quilter. Watch the video below for the step-by-step instructions.



  • your quilt project
  • needle and thread
  • pins


Step 1

Get your quilt project with binding on both sides but not stitched on the back. You can add a hanging sleeve to these two points to your quilt. Now, cut eight and a half inches wide fabric and fold it in half. Take both ends, turn it under a quarter inch twice, then go ahead and seam along in one edge. Once your edges are finished, fold them right sides together, do a quarter inch all the way along, press the seam allowance open, then turn the entire thing inside out.

Folding the wide fabric to be used as a hanging sleeve
Image credits: Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting via Youtube


Step 2

You don’t want your quilt to have a roll at the top, you want it to hang straight, so to compensate for that, make one piece of the hanging sleeve a little bit longer. In order to do that, go about half an inch up from the pressed edge, fold it, and line it up on the back of your quilt. Next, with the needle and thread, stitch the very top fold near the binding, pin it in place, and stitch it. Don’t forget to whipstitch on the edge loosely, then stitch along the bottom fold. (Take your stitches just into the backing fabric and not into the front of your quilt.)

Stitching the hanging sleeve into place
Image credits: Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting via Youtube

Adding A Hanging Sleeve To Wall Quilts Or Any Quilt

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