Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes Recipe

Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: El Mundo Eats Via YouTube


I was searching the internet for a perfect bite-size cheesecake idea and when I found this video recipe tutorial for mini chocolate cheesecakes by El Mundo Eats on YouTube, I knew I had to make them immediately. El Mundo Eats really has done a really excellent job on this wonderful mini cheesecake tutorial, it is an absolute joy to watch and I recommend it very highly. These mini chocolate cheesecakes looked so delicious, and the best part about them was the fact that the crusts were made from Oreo cookies. The chocolate cheesecakes are so beautiful visually that they make perfect for gifts or as stunning treats at a luncheon.



The Recipe For The Crust:

  • 7 ounces of Oreo cookies
  • 3 tablespoons of butter

Recipe For The Chocolate Cheese Filling:

  • 10 ounces of (full-fat) cream cheese (let stand till room temperature)
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate (or chocolate chips)
  • 2 large eggs (let stand till they are room temperature)


In this video recipe tutorial for mini chocolate cheesecakes by El Mundo Eats on YouTube, you will learn how to make these delicious recipes in a step by step method that is so easy to understand. You begin by crushing the Oreos and adding butter to make the cheesecake crust.

Make An Oreo Crust For Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes
Image By: El Mundo Eats Via YouTube

Then, you follow the instructions in the video tutorial to make the creamy cheesecake filling and add it to the paper pastry cups and bake these mini cheesecakes at 275 degrees for about 30 minutes. Then you will just chill and serve. 

Make A Chocolate Filling For Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes
Image By: El Mundo Eats Via YouTube

These mini chocolate cheesecakes turned out tasting every bit as good as the look. I served them to my neighborhood friends at our morning coffee gathering and they all loved them so much.

Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes Recipe

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