Need to find a special gift for a super special girl? Best DIY ideas for girlfriends, moms, sisters and other important ladies in your life. Whether she is into cooking, yoga, fashion or lounging at home, these DIY project tutorials will give you some super gift giving ideas. These presents are perfect holiday gifts for girlfriend, mom, sister, aunt, coworkers, neighbors, teachers, best friends and even Grandma. Give her something she will love with one of these awesome DIY ideas….
Finding a unique gift for your girlfriend is far from easy, but with these clever and creative homemade DIY gift ideas, you are likely to find one or more things she will absolutely love getting for Christmas, birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. Most of all, she will know that you made it thinking only of her, the most endearing statement of all. Personalized presents make the best kind of DIY romantic gifts!
DIY Gift Ideas for Her
1. Spa And Pampering in a Jar
This is a super stocking stuffer idea and good gift to make so she will have lots to open Christmas morning. Easy to put together, this spa gift is quick but lovely and useful. Pick out her favorite nail polish brand and colors to show how much you are paying attention and thinking about her! Perfect gift idea for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and birthdays, too!
Love these DIYs? Follow us on Pinterest for more craft ideas
2. Peppermint Bath Bombs
Also a good stocking stuffer idea, these DIY bath bombs are nice gifts all year round. A peppermint soak makes a relaxing way to spend a winter evening and a refreshing bath after a strenuous workout. Make a place these in a pretty jar, or wrap them individually in pretty cellophane gift bags. Make a big batch of these if you have lots of women you need to give small gifts to – DIY bath bombs makes great presents for neighbors, teachers, and the notoriously hard to shop for mother in laws.
3. DIY Camera Strap Cover with Lens Cap Pocket
Is she a photographer ? Look no further than this camera strap. Not your ordinary camera holder, this homemade strap features a home for a lens cap, which makes it the best homemade photo accessory I have seen lately! Who knows how many lens caps would have been saved if only I had one of these…
Looking for cool DIY gift ideas for your friends and family, too?
Be sure to check out The Ultimate DIY Christmas Gifts list which includes:
DIY Present Ideas for Men
Awesome DIY Gift Ideas Mom and Dad Will Love
41 Fun DIY Gifts to Make For Children
27 Expensive Looking Inexpensive DIY Gifts
27 MORE Expensive Looking Inexpensive DIY Gift Ideas
4. DIY Boot Socks
I love tall boot socks and I needed some in a pinch because my daughter was attending an outdoor event. So, all you need to make a pair is an old sweater, a pair of scissors, and whatever else you want to add to your boot cuffs. These DIY cuffs are a no-sew project too, just snip off the sleeves at a height that works for your leg length and then embellish away or leave them be. The buttons she adds in the second tutorial are just the most precious things I’ve ever seen and gave me ideas for all sorts of other improvements I could make. I’m obsessed with the idea of adding some big pieces of lace and would love to try putting some pearl buttons on there too. These DIY boot socks are in the all-time awesome hall of fame of sweater repurposing.
Check out all of the DIY gift ideas to make for her here on YouTube, then hit the links to our favorite DIY blogs for full instructions.
5. No Sew Buttoned Up Infinity Scarf
OK, this looks hard to make, right? Well, this is good, because it is not, yet it looks impressively difficult. If someone gave me this, I would have no idea how simple is was to create. Perfect Christmas gift idea for the girl who is always cold, this stylish Infinity scarf with buttons will always be with her.
6. Dish Washer Safe Glitter Dipped Mug
Glitter, glitter everywhere and not a drop to….WAIT! This awesome DIY mug will not leave glitter ANYWHERE! Tried and tested, this one uses a magical process to make the glitter stay on through multiple uses and trips through the dishwasher. Check out the tutorial for step by step instructions for learn how to make this creative home decor accessory and fun homemade gift.
7. Home Made Gift Therapeutic Bath Salts
I think bath salts and any aromatherapy beauty type product that smells great make lovely gifts for ladies. Make these bath salts by choosing her favorite scents or go for the ones that destress, relax or improve clarity and focus. Easy to make at home with essential oils, this thoughtful homemade gift is perfect for your wife, mom, sister or other girl who loves awesome smelling things for the bath.
8. Homemade Yoga Mat Tote Bag with Pockets
Who knew there was so much fun and cute stuff you could make for yoga? I simply adore this DIY yoga bag and if someone does not make it for me for Christmas, I think I will be making it myself. So much better than what you can find in stores, this one will put even Lululemon to shame when you choose fab fabrics and handles for this beautiful handmade yoga bag.
9. Tube Bead Necklace
Pretty and classy, this DIY necklace is a clever craft idea that moms and sisters may fight over. Good for giving to your wife or girlfriend, too. A romantic DIY gift idea that is thoughtful as well as beautiful, she gets to wear it all the time and think of you.
10. Camera Carrier
My daughter has taken up photography and her Dad and I got her a 35 mm Nikon camera for Christmas. She also got some extra lenses from her Grandma and Grandpa so she needed something functional to keep everything in, so I made her this DIY camera tote bag out of soft felt. She completely loves her camera tote bag, and changing purses is super easy! Her carrier fits in all her purses, in some tighter than others, so when she needs to carry more than just my camera she simply chooses a bigger handbag, works beautifully!