She Saves Money On Stain Removers And Makes The Best Homemade Stain Remover Ever!

She Saves Money On Stain Removers And Makes The Best Homemade Stain Remover Ever! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

We all love barbecues, freshly cut grass, iced coffee and our children’s baseball games…some of the best parts of summer.  They’re also the messiest when it comes to doing laundry! Heading out for a simple picnic can leave you with grass, dirt and an array of condiments, all proudly displayed on your favorite sundress… and then there are sweat stains.


Try this no-fail natural stain remover to help make laundry day a little less frustrating.

This works on not only clothes, but it works on carpet too. It’s great for all kinds of stains, even pet urine! We all know how expensive the pet stain and odor remover is and how fast we can go through it!

Whether you have a pet or a toddler, chances are that you are going to have a urine stain on your mattress. Getting those stains off (and particularly getting the smell out) can be difficult. There is however, a really effective and really inexpensive method for removing urine from mattresses…

Incidentally, hydrogen peroxide is an excellent blood stain remover and it even works on old blood stains too!

Watch how this gal with Naturally Nerdful a.k.a.Krys does this in her step by step tutorial so you can get those hard to remove  stains that were hard to remove!


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